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SEA HORSE Diamond & Healthy Mattress
海馬鑽石 & 特硬床褥
1. Diamond Mattress 鑽石床褥
- Premium Mattress
- One side is made of medium firm foam topped with a thin layer of memory foam quilted in diamond shape to offer ultimate comfort.
- Other side is made of supportive hard Healthy foam.
- Wavy-shaped surface which exerts comfortable massaging effect that relieves any muscular strain and gives a strong support throughout.
- Upholstered with damask cotton fabric teemed with fire retardant, anti-dust mite & anti-bacteria qualities.
- 10 Years Warranty
- 高級床褥
- 一面軟,一面硬,兩面均可使用。
- 軟面選用高科技高密度海綿,持久不衰地承托,獨特感溫功能能根據人體工學自動塑型,貼合身體曲線;緩解身體壓力,適於各種睡姿,保持身體平衡,睡眠更安穩。
- 硬面選用高密度高硬度綿,高硬度中帶韌性,給予身體充足而持久不衰的承托力,有效承托腰部和背部。
- 優質床褥布
- 10 年保修

2. Healthy Mattress 特硬床褥
- Premium Mattress
- Hard texture, high hardness is made of high cotton, rigid retainer with flexibility, effective bear hold back waist
- Premium mattress ticking
- 10 Years Warranty
- 高級床褥
- 選用高密度高硬度綿,堅硬承托中帶柔韌性,有效承托腰部和背部。
- 優質床褥布
- 10 年保修